Interview with an artist : Marshall Crossman

I visited my friend, San Francisco painter,  Marshall Crossman. She is a vivacious spirit who is also a really good cook. I used her art for staging some jobs and I hope to own one of her paintings one day. I love the vibrant colors she uses in her paintings. Her figures are always moving, always full of energy, and they bring that energy to any room.

Here is what my questions were to Marshall Crossman:

What is on your mind when you paint? I like to be “in the zone”, an intuitive place where I am disconnected from my rational mind.

What was the last great art show you visited? In January I saw the great Willem DeKooning Retrospective at the MOMA in New York. He is a painting hero for me. Such inspiration !

What would be a perfect place to hang your paintings? I like my paintings, well-lit, anywhere out in the world: private homes, offices, galleries, museums.

Who inspires you the most? Other hard working, serious artists.

What is your favorite place in San Francisco? I adore this city, but I have no single favorite place. Tartine Bakery on Guerrero (a great place to watch San Franciscans), my studio in the Bayview, South of Market where I lived for many years, Valencia Street –to name a few.


Marshall’s paintings may be seen at the Dolby Chadwick Gallery, San Francisco. A solo exhibition is scheduled for Sept, 2012.

Photos by John Bagley

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